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编译:彭紫琦 | 2023.05.23 17:48
©Jacopo Salvi

2023年5月20日,第18届威尼斯建筑双年展正式开幕,主题为“未来实验室”(The Laboratory of the Future)。威尼斯建筑双年展由三个部分组成:每个国家各自策展的国家馆展览,由每年双年展策展人举办的国际展展览,以及双年展策展人批准的岛上附属活动展览。本次展览包括89名参展者,其中一半以上来自非洲或非洲侨民。


在参观了部分展馆后,扎哈事务所总裁帕特里克·舒马赫(Patrik Schumacher)发布了一篇文章,表达自己对今年威尼斯建筑双年展的看法。以下是文章全文,由有方翻译。



Venice Biennale Blues


The Venice "Architecture" Biennale is mislabelled and should stop laying claim to the title of architecture. This title is just generating confusion and disappointment with respect to an event that does not show any architecture.


Assuming Venice to be not only the most important item on our global architectural itinery, but also representative of our discourse in general: What we are witnessing here is the discursive self-annihilation of the discipline.


Most national pavilions, including all major European nations like Germany, France, Spain, UK, Belgium, Holland, Norway/Sweden, Finnland, but also Japan, Canada, Australia and the USA, refuse to show the work of their architects, or any architecture whatsoever. I don't know about other national pavilions.


日本馆 ©Yuma Harada

I gave up after seeing no architecture in 12 out of 12 pavilions. (The Czech pavilion seemed closed and a video screen in front of the closed entrance was displaying faces talking about low income and long hours of work.)


这说明了什么?难道在德国、法国等西方国家都没有值得关注的建筑作品吗?建筑设计和建造只是一种良心不安时的借口吗? 这种不安是否是拒绝展示任何当代建筑的起因(这种现象到现在已经普遍存在十多年)?
What does this tell us? That there is no noteworthy architecture in Germany, France etc. etc .etc. or anywhere in the Western world? Is the design and construction of buildings only an occasion for bad conscience? Is this bad conscience the motive force behind the refusal (by now pervasive for more than a decade) to display any contemporary architecture whatsoever?


The German pavilion is filled with piles of construction material. There is no point to spend more than two seconds in there. A single glance and you get the one-liner message (because this message had been reiterated for years): The moral (if not practical/economic) imperative of material recycling. There was also a very similar one-liner message filling the space (and consuming the budget) a few years ago: don't build, re-use/renovate. Inbetween the pavilion was filled with documentation of current affairs issues like the refugee crisis. There always seems to be something more important and urgent than architecture. The obvious question why we should look at documentations of the refugee crisis when coming to Venice for the Biennale after we have been hearing about the refugee crisis on television every day for months was apparently never asked.


German architecture has been absent in Venice for years. the same applies to British architecture. Why the architects of these countries put up with this seems puzzling. Are they too shamefaced about their work to raise their heads above the parapet?


In the case of the German pavilion the current emphatic absence of architecture has been explicitly endorsed by the president of the German chamber of architects today in a conversation in front of the German pavilion filled with the rubble of the previous Biennale. What are all these curators expecting the unsuspecting general public who come to visit an architecture Biennale to make of this?


德国馆作为材料库 图片来源:dezeen

Only the Chinese pavilion shows architecture, plenty of architecture. In the international show its again only Chinese architects who show work: Neru&Hu, and especially Zhang Ke (Standard Architecture) is showing an impressive suite of projects. The other fantastic exception is the suite of equally impressive projects by Adjaye Associates.


Everybody else invited has been playing along with using exhibition space for documentary-style intellectual-artistic allusions to moral issues, garnished with pretentious critical-speak, of course without ever taking the risk of really taking up an explicit position or offering constructive proposal.


What's the point of all this? Is it meant to inspire conversations? Architects want to talk about (and see) architecture. They won't talk about decolonising xyz. Perhaps architectural educators talk about such matters. Perhaps thats why architectural design has disappeared from most (especially the most prestigious) schools of architecture.


如恩展览模型 摄影:Pedro Pegenaute

I have been coming to Venice witnessing architects reactions to several of these anti-architectural biennales. Like this time too, they all cling to the few exceptional instances of architecture and talk about those, and then about their frustration with the swamping of the Biennale with virtue signalling conceptual-symbolic installations.


This show is meant to be at least to 50% featuring architects (at least originally) from Africa. Without David Adaye's work - which I would suspect is the only display at this Biennale that would fill a visitor from Africa with pride - there would be no African architecture in the show. (I did not find Francis Kéré's display). Perhaps it was a mistake to focus on small studios and educators who don't have work. I was curious about African architects and African architecture but I am no wiser after seeing the show. The notable exception are Adjaye's projects. I think it is a significant fact and signal of development and aspiration, that such sophisticated world class buildings now exist on the African continent, a fact the importance and impact of which for the continent should not be underestimated.


While Western architectural culture (and Western culture in general) seems shamefaced and guilt ridden, excluding all its architecture from the "Architecture" Biennale, Chinese architectural culture, in positive contrast, is here in full force and self-confidence. Chinese architects and the Chinese national pavilion (including the Hong Kong pavilion) deliver virtually all the architecture (excepting Adjaye Associates) in the whole Biennale.


阿贾耶作品  image by Andrea Avezzù, courtesy of La Biennale di Venezia

Is my conception of architecture as discipline too narrow if I expect to see architectural design in an architecture biennale? I don't think so. Whatever social, political or moral issues we want to address, the way to show their relevance to architecture is via projects that claim to respond to these issues.


No talk about "architecture as expanded field" can convince me that we are still in an architectural event when the scene is dominated by documentaries, critical art practice and symbolic installations while architectural works are nowhere to be seen in 99% of the exhibition space.


法国馆  images courtesy of Muoto, Georgi Stanishev and Clémence La Sagna

If everything lamentable or unjust, or urgent in the world is now an urgent, overriding concern of architecture, then this is not only an absurd overreach unhinged from architecture's competency, but the very dissolution and disappearance of this discipline. In academia, in Western schools of architecture, this process has been driven as far as in the Venice Biennale. Of course, the professional work of architecture continues, albeit without any support from academia, or without any representation and discussion in any Biennale, be it Venice, or Chicago. The professional work of architects seems to be beyond the pale, either too banal or morally too compromised to receive a platform in the lofty realm of a critical cultural event. Even professional architects seem to reach this conclusion once they are appointed as curators. They leave their day job, their work and professional competence behind to become dilettante social critics/commentators.


By now the approach of thematising social ills has become the standard, the expected, unassailable, safe option. Its also easy to organise and cost effective. Instead of the risky and difficult task to select, explain the selection, and deal with 25 architects, a single artist can be commissioned (or two to three) to interpret the theme, and be left alone to do so. Its all too convenient and cost effected. For the curators of the national pavilions this is the easiest way to discharge the curatorial burden. But its such a lazy, lame and predictable cop out.


How long can this continue? The Venice Architecture Biennale, over many years, has built up a stellar, unrivalled position as #1 global architectural gathering. However, I think the event is now gradually consuming and drawing down its built up reputation. Its consuming its social capital. If the event keeps diluting, even actively avoiding or displacing its mission as architectural event, it becomes vulnerable to new possible contenders if they are delivering what is being expected by the silent majority of architects and I presume by the general public. There is nothing in sight here but the vital function the Venice Architecture Biennale used to fulfil for our discipline for many years (and that needs to be fulfilled) is up for grabs.








这种批判是勇敢的,建筑再发展的难度在于故事的趋同,解决问题的敷衍和假慈悲。那种华丽且精致的政治正确议题,正如所有商业品牌总在思考在宣传品中加入黑人,大码女性,或者跨性别者。但这样做是否真的在帮助事情往好的一面发展,也许并不是他们最关心的。文中剑指久负盛名的一流学院,这是我所看到的,Sarah Whiting接手GSD以后,几乎鲜有让人热血澎湃的课题,仿佛那里已经成为了讨论这种悲天悯人的巨大话题的练习场,可是有什么用呢?到底我们帮助了什么人,或者什么事?或者有没有帮到自己,或者建筑学本身呢?





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